Just returned from a routine doctor’s appointment. It was routine right down to the annoying hour-plus wait. The good news is that everything seems normal and healthy. The bad news (and, okay, I know deep down it’s actually good news) is that currently the baby is one-third as big as he’ll be when he’s born in twelve more weeks. That means that he’ll triple in size by then! And that means that I . . . well, I’ll be getting a bit bigger, too.
The funnest part of the visit came when I asked the doctor how my baby was positioned. I asked because I usually feel the baby kicking me hardest in the upper left side of my stomach, and less hard in the lower right side. But sometimes I feel him what seems like everywhere. And today in the waiting room I suddenly felt a hard bulge in the upper right side of my stomach and wondered what that was.
The doctor had me lie back and in about two seconds he could tell where the baby was positioned and show me. The head is really low in the middle of the pelvic area. The legs are in the upper left side (no surprise there), and the rump is in the upper right side.
So the bulge I suddenly felt in the waiting room was more or less the baby sticking his tush out into the world. The little movements in the lower right side are probably little punches and elbow pokes. And the hard ones in the upper left side are good ol’ fashioned kicks.
It’s hard to believe there are fewer than twelve weeks to go. It seems more real all the time. You’d think this would motivate us to actually clean out the room where the baby will sleep, or start stocking up on baby supplies, or something. But we’re still chillin’. Just enjoying it.
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