Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Nov '11

John and Shannon Learn How to Make Pottery

Last month John and I had a Saturday afternoon date where we got lunch at Five Guys Burgers and Fries (um, yum!) and then went to an art studio to make pottery. It was a Groupon deal that offered half off two pottery making classes (you make the pottery in the first class, paint it in the second).

The last time I remember using a pottery wheel was in the seventh grade, and if I remember right whatever I tried to make didn’t turn out great. John has never used one.

Thankfully we had help. The teacher really knew what she was doing and helped us significantly so what we were trying to make turned out decently.

We started by getting a ball of clay and kneading it to remove air pockets. Then it was time to sit at the wheel! This was the fun–but deceptively difficult–part.

It works a little like a sewing machine with a foot peddle to control speed. Our teacher said slower was better for beginners, but faster was funner!

Actually molding the clay on the wheel was tricky; it often had a mind of its own. It was fun to get our hands in the clay and work with it, but when it came to turning that clay into something beautiful our teacher had to help us a lot. She said that art students at BYU are required to spend 40 hours at the wheel before they’re considered competent. We had about one hour. So, like I said, she helped us a lot.

But doesn’t it look like we know what we’re doing?

After our bowls were molded we set them in the sun to dry a while. I also made a vase that’s not pictured.

We’ll go back next week to paint them. Now we’re pretty much artisans!

Nov '11

Kids around the house

Wes and Carissa both like sitting in baskets.

Carissa likes to drink from cups with straws. Or any cup that Wes is drinking from.

I have a hard time getting chores done with the kids around, mostly because the kids are always there and they want to “help” (code for: “interfere”). A while ago I bought a mini broom so they can “help” while I work.


Peekaboo Carissa

Nov '11

A Girl and Her Shoes

Carissa has four pairs of shoes. And a pair of boots. And she’s only 14 months old. I wonder what kind of expectations I’m giving her for the rest of her life and her closet.

The thing is, she LOVES her shoes. She asks for them on whenever she sees them on the shoe shelf. Her favorite is the red sparkly pair.

Wesley has one pair of shoes. I think he is sad.


Going Outside

Wes trying on Dad’s hat.

Carissa in her new winter jacket. I know John said I could reuse Wesley’s old jackets, but this coat is PINK.

Wes would not keep on his hat, hood, or mittens.