Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Nov '11

Going Outside

Wes trying on Dad’s hat.

Carissa in her new winter jacket. I know John said I could reuse Wesley’s old jackets, but this coat is PINK.

Wes would not keep on his hat, hood, or mittens.


2 Responses to “Going Outside”

  1. tara72 Says:

    sooooooooo cute! why don’t kids keep their hats and mittens on? I’d think they would get cold. silly kids. love the new pink coat, bytheway!

  2. mom Says:

    Carissa’s mittens are so cute! I love when the thumbs all point in different directions. Like a county fair, snow is also more fun when you have kids….even though it takes forever to get them packaged up to go outside. **smile**

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