Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Nov '11

A Girl and Her Shoes

Carissa has four pairs of shoes. And a pair of boots. And she’s only 14 months old. I wonder what kind of expectations I’m giving her for the rest of her life and her closet.

The thing is, she LOVES her shoes. She asks for them on whenever she sees them on the shoe shelf. Her favorite is the red sparkly pair.

Wesley has one pair of shoes. I think he is sad.


3 Responses to “A Girl and Her Shoes”

  1. tara72 Says:

    Wes is like, “what do I do with these?” Both of my girls have always loved shoes (so do I, so I understand!). Ashleigh now says “I want them” when she sees shoes at a store. I have some coming for her from Tiny Soles, which will be fun, since she usually gets Savannah’s hand-me-downs.

  2. katietaggart Says:

    I always laugh at how many pairs of shoes Tallie has compared to Lance! I am not much of a high heel wearer but yesterday Tallie was walking around the entire house in my one pair of heels, that girl has got skills! Your kids are adorable! And I loved reading the post of your cooking class. Speen surprised me with a class last year for Christmas and it was really fun, and the food was delic!

  3. mom Says:

    Cute line up of shoes and little kids. Shoes for a boy…hard to know where to begin. Black? Brown? …..red?…..

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