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Jul '09

Wes is a little big boy

Announcing the arrival of Wesley’s THIRD tooth!

I discovered it today on accident while tickling him upside down. He already has his lower front two teeth. His first tooth started coming in April when he was 19 months old. The second one started coming about a month after that. Then there was this drought where we thought he’d never get more than those two teeth. So we are surprised and happy to learn he’s not doomed to gumming soft foods forever.

I assumed his next teeth would be his upper front teeth. But his third tooth is coming in the top left side, near the back. A molar? Possibly a canine, but it seems further back than that. So at 22 months we have a grand total of three teeth.

Let the rejoicing begin.

Also, since he’s on a roll of big boy-ness, here’s something else he did that surprised us this week. Wednesday he was visited by his physical therapist, who was extremely impressed by how well he’s doing physically. She said even if Wes were “normal” he’d still be doing great. One thing we’ve been working on is helping Wes walk up and down stairs. I hold his hand and make sure his other hand is either gripping a rail or sliding along the wall. He’s been doing well with that, and I’ve even seen him walk up and down the stairs by himself, sideways, holding onto the rails with both hands.

His therapist gave us the next goal: to help him walk up and down stairs with one hand gripping a rail/sliding along the wall and the other hand holding a toy, while I guide him along by his elbow.

Not two hours after his therapist left, John and I were standing in the upstairs hallway, talking, when Wes goes to the top of the stairs and starts walking down them. BY HIMSELF. Sliding one hand along the wall. Without a toy in his other hand.

He must have just felt confident or something after his therapist’s visit. I stopped him, though, because I wasn’t quite ready for him to think he can just march downstairs on his own like that. But hey, now we know he can do it.

1 Comment »

One Response to “Wes is a little big boy”

  1. mom Says:

    I am so excited every time you give us a progress report on Wes. It’s as if he waits for the therapist to visit….then you close the door behind her….and then Wes proceeds to do the very thing she was asking for during her visit! He is amazing! And by the way….when do we get to see a picture of this Big Boy Tooth? Did he act like he was teething before it came in or was it really a total surprise? Congrats on the chomper!

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