Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Aug '08

Wesley’s New Trick

It’s official: Wes can push himself up from all-fours into sitting. And he can do it well!

The downside of this is that putting Wes down for a nap, unless he’s already passed out or practically so, is basically pointless. I lay him down on his back and leave the room; a few minutes later I hear him making noise, and his voice sounds like it’s being projected OVER the crib wall. Because now he’s sitting up. And once he’s sitting up he can’t get back down to the lying position, unless he falls over. (Except that his balance is actually quite good, so he’s usually stuck upright.)

I keep having to go in and push him back down and tell him to go to sleep . But a minute later he pops himself right back up again. I come in and find him like this, looking all pleased with himself:

He seems to enjoy his new trick. Whenever he pushes himself up he gets a gigantic smile across his face and is truly happy.

Video of Wes pushing himself to sitting.


4 Responses to “Wesley’s New Trick”

  1. coilamg Says:

    He’s SO FREAKING CUTE!!! What an adorable grin! Sounds like you’ve done your job helping him push himself up very well.

  2. tara72 Says:

    well geez, you can’t really complain if he is so cute and so happy with himself, can you?! *lol* he should be proud. and so should mommy (and I think both of you are).

  3. nanners Says:

    I signed up so now I can leave you comments!! I LOVE the new trick wes has learned. So cute how pleased he is with himself. That is one of the best smiles I have ever seen. Truly.
    Nancy L.

  4. ktaggart Says:

    Shannon – oh my goodness, I just watched that video like 5 times! That is the cutest thing. I LOVE his little smile at the end, he is so proud of himself. What a cutie!!! Oh and happy late b-day! Hope you had a good one.

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