I like that Wes knows who I am. When he sees me, he smiles.

It’s surprisingly gratifying to have that kind of an effect on someone.
Also, yesterday I took him to the park, where he had his first experience in the baby swing that didn’t involve banging his forehead on the rubber. Now that his neck and torso strength is improving, he can hold himself up pretty well.

…Although he still has a bit of growing to do before he fills up the baby swing adequately.

This picture is of his first-ever slide experience. He was sitting when I started him down it, but somehow during the going-down process he ended up on his feet.

(Thanks to Tara for the park pictures!)
May 4th, 2008 at 10:06 am
you’re welcome. :) he was so cute, I couldn’t resist! I love that he is smiling so much. let’s hope he keeps that up!