Wes is seventeen weeks big, which makes him about four months old. Monday was his four-month checkup at the doctor’s where he weighed in at 9 lbs 7.5 oz. That puts him in the seventh percentile for weight on the chart for children with Down syndrome. That may not seem like much, but considering that when he was born he didn’t even make it on the chart, he’s making progress.
He’s also 22 inches long, which means he’s grown a full half-foot since he was born in September at 16 inches. I can tell he’s getting taller. He’s filling out his newborn-size clothes really well now. His height puts him in the 12th percentile for kids with DS.
Lastly, his head circumference is 14.6 inches, up from about 12 inches when he was born. That means he’s in the 20th percentile. Not too shabby.
Here are some pictures of him sleeping.

January 11th, 2008 at 10:17 am
awww he’s so cute sleeping!!! I love that last one. they are just so adorable and peaceful when they sleep, aren’t they?