Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Mar '12

Getting Ready for Church

Feb '12

Wesley’s Thyroid Test

Twice a year I’m supposed to get Wesley’s blood drawn to test his thyroid. Thyroid disorders are highly common among people with Down syndrome. They take one single blood draw and test for two things: Free T-4s and TSH.

The first time I had it done I was hit with a shocker bill: about $500.

Our insurance didn’t cover the tests, it turns out. I decided to only get his blood tested once a year, but the last time it was tested it came back inconclusive and they told me to go do it again. I just couldn’t bear to spend the money and didn’t think it was necessary.

Fast forward at least a year. Maybe two. How long has it been? I decided it was time to take the doctor’s order off my fridge and go get Wesley’s blood taken again.

But this time I used my head and called each lab in the area to see how prices compared. I learned this trick when I found out that the cost of prescription drugs can vary hugely among pharmacies, and if you’re paying for it out-of-pocket, it’s smart to call around first.

Turns out this was a good idea. I had been getting Wesley’s blood taken at the lab in the hospital that’s on our insurance plan. About $500, like I said. No discounts if you pay up front. The hospital that’s closer to us charged only about $150, and they give a 40% discount if you pay right away.

It cost $96 to get Wesley’s thyroid tests done. Still $$, but next to $500 I can’t complain.

So that’s one hurdle cleared. The other was handling both kids while a nurse stuck a needle in Wesley’s arm to draw blood. I knew that would not be fun.

I took the kids on Saturday. The lab was new and really nice. They had a spacious lobby with dozens of (empty) chairs and a three-story tall ceiling. Wes enjoyed running from one end of the lobby to the other (which ended in a set of closed doors). The receptionist waved her hand and said, “Oh, he can’t get past those doors.” I took that to mean, “They’re locked.”

Wrong. Wes trotted over and pushed the giant round handicap-access button, and suddenly he had a whole new long hallway to run down. Good thing I can sprint pretty fast.

Once I had him collected and it was our turn we met the nurse and her assistant. As soon as we walked back to the lab area both kids turned suspicious and started whining/crying. Kids are smart; they know when something’s up.

Both nurses were both very nice, which was a relief. Occasionally we’ve had nurses that are kind of abrupt with kids. The head nurse held up the rubber band for Wes to touch and told him she was going to put it on his arm like a bracelet. He was OK with that. I warned the nurse that he has small veins, since the last time I had his blood taken it took three tries in one arm and then another in his other arm before they got what they needed. (Which might be an unconscious reason why I postponed getting the test done again for so long.) But today Wesley’s veins looked great. “Anatomically correct” is what one of the nurses said.

I was told to hold Wesley’s left arm while they poked the right in case he tried to push the needle away. But Wes was as passive as a patient could get. He cried, but he never once tried to move his arm or struggle in any way. (I told this to John afterward, and he shook his head; we both want Wes to be LESS passive, so as to stand up for himself more. But it came in handy for getting his blood taken.)

As soon as the the blood was drawn (quick), the nurses opened the Prize Drawer and Wes got his very own balloon bouncer, and Carissa (who was crying when Wes cried) got a sucker and rubber ducky. And Wes additionally got a red bandage on his arm that he was very anxious to show Daddy when we got home. Overall, it couldn’t have gone better.

After that was over I took both kids to the BYU Bean Museum to see the (dead) animals. (I’ve always thought this place is kind of weird–dead, stuffed animals everywhere–and it smells funny, but the kids like it.)

Wes is making the sign for deer while saying, “Deeeeer!”

“Growl!” Both my kids can imitate a bear nicely.

There was a documentary about flying snakes and squirrels. Carissa is a TV junkie already.

Then we stopped at a bakery for a cupcake and ice cream.


Kitty & Popcorn

Carissa is fascinated by cats. She says, “Kitteee!” when she sees one and wants to pet it. Our cats, though, are not kid friendly.

Carissa turned 18 months, but sometimes when I see a particular expression on her face I’m reminded of how she looked when she was first born.

Just got an air popper. Best investment ever.


Bowling & Ice Cream

Last week I took Wes and Carissa bowling. The second we entered the bowling alley, Wes went nuts. He knows about The Ball. And he LOVES rolling The Ball down the alley.

Cheering for himself.

He actually did pretty good. (Both scores are Wes, by the way. Carissa maybe touched the ball twice.) His best score was 96.

Maybe it’s my fault that whenever we near Costco’s parking lot Wes starts saying, “Ice cream! Ice cream!” I think he’s only had their $1.50 gelato cones three times, but I guess it’s made an impression.

The rule is, he gets the cone, Carissa gets a spoon.

Feb '12

Playing Playing Counting

Why you shouldn’t leave your kid unattended by the sink for very long:

We tried out a new jumping place that opened recently. It’s small (three bounce houses, one inflated slide, and a giant jumping pillow) but it was good for Wes. We went just as it opened. It wasn’t busy, and the kids who showed up were about his same age or younger. There were a couple balls he could play with. He went on everything, including the jumping pillow. He had a really good time.

Wes is so smart and loves counting. He can count to 20. Here he is counting to 16…

Jan '12

What We’ve Been Up To

Making forts (“tents”, as Wes calls them).

Reading books.

Eating crepes (Wesley’s favorite, especially with Nutella and bananas…or, really, just Nutella).

Falling asleep in the highchair.

Playing in snow (finally took the tags off the snow boots I bought them in November).

Making pizza and breadsticks, which I am getting surprisingly better at (thank you, Best Bites).

Snacking on breadsticks.

Reading. Here Wes is reading the dictionary. He was reading this for about 30 minutes. The other night he was reading a textbook, flipping through page by page until he came to each chapter heading, when he’d yell out the chapter number: “1!”, “2!” and so on. He’s good at reading AND counting.