Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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May '13

Quick Catchup from March 2013

March 21 was World Down Syndrome Day (3/21…get it?). Cold Stone offered a free ice cream for every person with Down syndrome, so how could we not take advantage of that?

In March we had the opportunity to take Wes and Carissa swimming at the BYU pool with the BYU Down syndrome support group. Wes LOVES swimming. LOVES LOVES LOVES it. So we made sure we went. Both kids were excited to get in the pool.

Until they got into the pool, which was kinda chilly. Wes has still really happy, though.

But Carissa clung to me in the water like a baby monkey. I kept asking her if she wanted to get out and she said, firmly, no. So we hung out in the pool for an hour together.

On a rare date night John and I had dinner at Spark in Provo. I got the macaroni and cheese with chicken, which was actually delicious. But overall we thought the place was overpriced and not our favorite. Nonetheless, a date is a date!

In March Elizabeth turned four months old. She got a little better at rolling over, which she did once in a while. She got really good when she was five months. I’d usually get up with her once a night in March, and in April she started sleeping through the night without eating. She’s a happy baby, very interested in the world around her.

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