Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Sep '11

Ice Cream & Bowling

Yesterday I took Wes and Carissa on a mini-outing. We had ice cream first.

Wes ate (nearly) the whole shake. It was a beautiful afternoon to sit outside.

Then we went bowling. Wesley’s first time. Surely not his last.

Wes played two games (just him). I missed the score of his first game, but he bowled a 66 the second time around.

In retrospect, I should have maybe saved the ice cream sugar-load for AFTER bowling.

The music in the background is “Livin’ the Good Life.” And so we do.


2 Responses to “Ice Cream & Bowling”

  1. tara72 Says:

    I love it!! he got so excited to hit those bowling pins, and to wait for the ball….man, he is GOOD! and that Creamery milk shake…..I think we’ll go for FHE tomorrow. I’m totally craving one now. he’s so stinkin’ cute, Shannon. and Carissa is obviously thrilled with the whole thing. :)

  2. mom Says:

    This *is* a great video! You weren’t kidding when you said Wesley loves to bowl. You guys *do* live the Good Life. Kids make life worth living in SO many ways.

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