Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Jun '11


Life slowed down today. We went to the park. Carissa sat on a pink blanket in the shade while Wes played in the playground. He mostly stood and watched other kids. I wasn’t sure why he was watching more than playing, but he seemed content. After a while he discovered a girl from his preschool class. She was with a small group of kids, and they were running around together. He joined in and was finally having a blast, laughing and smiling as he ran after them. It made me happy to see him so happy.

After a minute or two they raced around a giant evergreen tree on the far side of the playground by the road. It’s so big that they all disappeared from view for a few seconds. I saw all the other kids emerge on the other side, but not Wes. I squinted and saw another little boy playing inside the hollow space beneath the branches, and I wondered if Wes was in there, too, but I couldn’t see him.

I left Carissa and walked over (had I known better, I should have run) just in time to see Wes in the street. A man stood in the street next to his minivan, holding up one hand to stop traffic, and using his other hand to push Wes back towards the sidewalk. I don’t know if this man had been pulling out of his parking space along the side of the playground when he saw Wes, or if he had been one of the cars driving down the street. All I know is that I saw my little, unassuming boy narrowly escape what could have been a devastating accident.

When we left the park and drove down the same street where he had been found, I pictured what it would be like for me as a driver if a little kid ran out onto the street from between the parked cars. I knew the kid wouldn’t have a chance.

I pray for my kids’ safety, and today a prayer was answered.

As I took Wes home I thought about how different things could have been. It could have involved a hospital, or much, much worse.

I held him tighter today. I gave him extra kisses. In a split second things could have been different. But I’m so glad they weren’t.


2 Responses to “If…”

  1. mom Says:

    Every mother’s nightmare, sweetie. I’ve had those close calls, too. When your hands are full or when you’re tired or distracted or trusting…..there are angels watching over your children. That day your angel happened to be driving a minivan. They drive, they walk, they are invisible. None of our children could get through life without them. I pray for the protection of my grandchildren every day. Just so ya know. I hope today is a fun day for you all!

  2. tara72 Says:

    oh my goodness. yeah I think it’s in our job description to be protectors, worriers, heroes, runners, criers, huggers, and everything else that goes along with taking care of our children. those times when I watch something happen or almost happen live on for a while in my brain. thank goodness for angels, though, too, because Heavenly Father knows I can’t do it all by myself.

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