July 4th was the Freedom Run 5K race. Earlier this year, when I was pregnant, I was bummed because I had been looking forward to running again this summer but knew I wouldn’t while pregnant. Having a miscarriage fixed that, and I started running again in March.
Last year’s Freedom Run was my first ever 5K. Last spring I trained HARD to go from zero running experience and ability to being able to run 3.1 miles without walking. I followed the “From Couch Potato to 5K” training plan (look for it online). It took a lot of sweat and time and effort, but it paid off and I was able to run the entire 5K last year at 29:34. That was 39th in my age division for women, 180th overall for women, and 564th overall.
This year was different. I’m frequently busy teaching Zumba and preparing for upcoming Zumba classes. Making time to get out and run was tricky. I didn’t train hard like I did last year. But–and I was totally surprised to discover this–I didn’t have to. This year I’m in so much better shape (I guess thanks to teaching aerobics) that the very first time I hit the pavement in my running shoes I could trot along without any trouble for the entire three miles. WAAAAY different from last year.
So any time I went out to run this spring was less like training and more like practice, just to make sure I could get through the 5K on race day. My goal this year was just to have fun, and run the whole way, and hopefully get a better time than last year.
How did I do?
Goal 1: FUN
Check. I was actually smiling during a lot of the race. I was enjoying it. This was a big difference from last year’s race, where I felt like throwing up and really struggled to get through it (although I did). Also, my little brother Matt was running the race with me, and it was fun to have a running buddy.
Check. Definitely in better shape this year than last. Thank you, Zumba.
Check. Official time was 28:59. That’s 31st place in my division, 180th place for women, and 583th overall (out of 2018 finishers, and 1144 of them women). My time and my division placing was better than last year’s. I placed exactly the same this year for women as last year, and I actually dropped in my overall finishing placement. Still, for a pleasant Saturday morning jog, I can’t complain.
The best part was at the end when they gave us all free water bottles that you could take to volunteers who would pump them full of Gatorade out of these giant blue buckets. There is nothing better than ice cold Gatorade after a race, except maybe the satisfaction that you finished the race and had fun doing it.
Running still isn’t my favorite thing to do, but I like the feeling of accomplishment it brings. I think I’m going to go back to step aerobics this week and give running a rest for a while. I miss aerobics.
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