Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Sep '11

Monkey Wesley

Wesley played at his aunt’s house today and kept asking for “kime,” which meant “climb,” which meant he wanted us to hoist him up on this bar on the swing set so he could hold on until he could hold on no longer and drop to the ground.

Then he’d say, “Moh kime” (“more climb”) or “A-din!” (“again!”) and we did it over and over and over.

Sep '11


Recently we ate lunch at Tucanos. Carissa ate the whipped cream off my sundae.

Wes ate nothing.

This afternoon I took the kids to Costco to return an item. We couldn’t leave without ice cream–or, as Wes says, “ISCWEEM!”

Costco sells waffle cones with three scoops of gelato (berry, pistacio, and chocolate chip) for just a buck-fifty. Good price. Good eats.

And aside from me helping lick up a few dribbles down the side and sneaking an occasional bite of cone, Wes ate the ENTIRE thing by himself. All of it.

Here’s proof: Wes finishing off the cone tip.

Later in the day we spent a little time at the water at Riverwoods. Wes LOVED playing in the water. Carissa got really excited and screamed happily as she toddled around, until the water squirted her in the face and then she needed some love from Mom or Dad before going back in.

There’s nothing better than seeing your kids happy.



Sep '11


So busy.

So tired.

So big.

Not big enough.

Popsicles with friends.

Solo snack.

Rock time.

Walk time.

Sep '11

Wesley’s Haircut

*Le Sigh*

Cutting Wesley’s hair. It is a hard, hard thing. I always let it grow out as long as I can possibly stand until I suck up enough courage to pull out the clippers and make his and our lives miserable for fifteen minutes while I cut his hair.

I heard about a place 30 minutes north that specializes in haircuts for kids. I’m not usually up in the area, but I was today, and I made a special trip in to see if they could make our usually traumatic trimming experience any more bearable.

Before I took Wes here, I called and spoke with an employee to ask what their experience is working with kids who don’t understand what’s going on and get pretty upset about it. She told me that she used to cut her handicapped niece’s hair all the time, and there was much kicking and screaming involved. In fact, she went on, even with kids who aren’t disabled, there can be much kicking and screaming involved. I felt satisfied.

The place has a slide, colorful kids’ umbrellas hanging from the ceiling, and a touch-screen computer with games. Here’s Wes playing ping pong (also note the “before” mullet).

Wes was fine and happy playing until it was time to get into his chair (a police car). Tears fell. His nose ran. There was much, “Mooooooom!” and “Down! Down!” and “Noooooo!”

Meanwhile, Carissa wandered around and had a great time touching everything in the place. There is something really great about a kid friendly place where you don’t have to worry about your toddler toddling around.

The girl cutting Wes’s hair was patient and, more importantly, FAST. Wes hated the clippers, but calmed down a little once she started with the scissors. There’s a TV screen right in front of him, and before she started snipping she pulled out the remote and let us look at the on-screen TV guide to pick something Wes would like. “Super Why!” it was. I saw another kid younger than Wes blithely–and silently–watching a cartoon while holding a sucker as he got his hair cut. As I’ve already established, that wasn’t the case with Wes.

BUT. He did OK. It was certainly about 95% easier than me having to do it myself! And when he was all done, they gave him a balloon.

Sep '11

Happy Birthday, Wesley!

Four years old!

Wesley came home from preschool wearing a cute crown (so surprised it was even on his head), but he was very grumpy.

After his nap we went to Partyland. They have a section for kids to play in (which I discovered at the END of my shopping).

Wes didn’t much like riding the horse (it was kind of old and rickety), but Carissa liked to watch.

There was also a train (which I wouldn’t pay 75 cents for him to ride).

We had a simple party with just our family. Wes kept saying, “Cake!” and “Pizza!” (And, just so my sister knows, he also kept saying, “Tawa’s house!” and got quite mad when we didn’t go there after Partyland. And, just so my folks know, he also kept saying, “Amma, Ampa’s house!” Alas, he had to put up with us, at our own house, instead.)

Store-bought cake. I was going for easy.

Wes ate his ice cream first, tasted the icing on the cake, then ate the pepperoni off his pizza, and then ate more ice cream. Dinner, done.

On to presents.

We bought Wes two things, a t-ball set…

…and a dump truck (which we found for $6 on clearance at Funfinity. Don’t tell Wes). It was kind of beat up and dirty, but it works. It moves on its own and says things, which Wes thinks is cool.

After dinner and presents he played in the backyard, and then ran around the house with Carissa, giggling lots. He was sweaty in the picture I took with him here, but no longer grumpy. Happy birthday to my baby boy!