Four years old!
Wesley came home from preschool wearing a cute crown (so surprised it was even on his head), but he was very grumpy.

After his nap we went to Partyland. They have a section for kids to play in (which I discovered at the END of my shopping).

Wes didn’t much like riding the horse (it was kind of old and rickety), but Carissa liked to watch.

There was also a train (which I wouldn’t pay 75 cents for him to ride).

We had a simple party with just our family. Wes kept saying, “Cake!” and “Pizza!” (And, just so my sister knows, he also kept saying, “Tawa’s house!” and got quite mad when we didn’t go there after Partyland. And, just so my folks know, he also kept saying, “Amma, Ampa’s house!” Alas, he had to put up with us, at our own house, instead.)
Store-bought cake. I was going for easy.

Wes ate his ice cream first, tasted the icing on the cake, then ate the pepperoni off his pizza, and then ate more ice cream. Dinner, done.
On to presents.

We bought Wes two things, a t-ball set…

…and a dump truck (which we found for $6 on clearance at Funfinity. Don’t tell Wes). It was kind of beat up and dirty, but it works. It moves on its own and says things, which Wes thinks is cool.

After dinner and presents he played in the backyard, and then ran around the house with Carissa, giggling lots. He was sweaty in the picture I took with him here, but no longer grumpy. Happy birthday to my baby boy!

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