Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Apr '12

Pinwheels and Ice Cream

Both my kids like ice cream. Obviously they get this from me and not their dad.

Carissa eating with her cousins.

Grandma and Grandpa brought Wes and Carissa each a pinwheel last week. They love them, using them as swords in duels, clubs to hit each other over the head with, or as seen here in their proper use as docile wind catchers outside.

1 Comment »

One Response to “Pinwheels and Ice Cream”

  1. tara72 Says:

    I love how Wes is really contemplating his pinwheel. so cute!

    I enjoyed your other posts as well – basketball team, feeding ducks with Grampa…..good stuff. but I’m too tired to comment on them. so I’m going to bed. thanks for the great updates!

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