Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Jan '12

Two Free Hours

Today, the start of a new year, our church’s start time moved back two hours. Three congregations share the same building so, to keep everyone feeling equal, every year we rotate our meeting times.

All last year our Sunday mornings were somewhat of a groggy haze of getting kids bathed, dressed, fed, hair combed, socks and shoes found and put on, diaper bag packed, etc., while getting myself dressed and presentable and getting John–the Not Morning Person–out of bed and on his way. Breakfast was frequently unbuttered toast, eaten standing over the sink at home, then a gulp of water from the drinking fountain once we got to church. We were not the award winners for being on time each week.

Today we had TWO MORE HOURS! What did we do?

First, Carissa walked down the stairs by herself for the first time, and Wes cheered her on.

Then the kids ate toast and drank milk on the couch under the same blanket.

I had time to make French baguettes–my new favorite bread to make because 1) I have new baguette pans that shape them so nicely and 2) they take only about an hour to make from start to finish.

Carissa wanted to use the trash can. She knows we put stuff inside it, and she really wants to put stuff in it, too. She is also learning how to blow her nose.

I didn’t bother to take pictures of it, but while I was upstairs putting Carissa’s dress on, Wes was downstairs at the sink filling a measuring cup with water and dumping it on the floor over and over again. So then I got to clean it up and start a load of laundry of the armful of towels I used.

But we got everyone dressed, fed, and out the door on time. And, I even curled my hair.

It’s looking to be a good year.

1 Comment »

One Response to “Two Free Hours”

  1. tara72 Says:

    lookit how pretty you are! I love that last picture.

    I think I saw Carissa starting to go down the stairs here during the game a little bit! what an exciting weekend!

    and it looks like it’s time for the “buy a box of cheap tissues” phase. :)

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