Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Jun '11

She Can Crawl

Today I saw Carissa crawl for the first time. As soon as I saw it I ran to find the video camera. And then followed many minutes of persuasion to try to get her to do it again. This is a short crawl, shorter than when I first saw her do it, but it’s on video at least. She turns 10 months this week on Wednesday.

Wesley, by the way, started crawling at 11 1/2 months. So they’re not all that far off from each other.

I found that I have a video of Wes from 9-5-10 when he was a week away from turning one, just after he started crawling.


2 Responses to “She Can Crawl”

  1. tara72 Says:

    oh my gosh, so cute!!

  2. mom Says:

    It was so fun to see the “first crawl” for both Carissa and Wesley! I am still amazed at how athletic Wes is. When he was playing with the ball, I saw “soccer” written all over him. But then he would probably most enjoy Soccer Without Rules! I also loved how Carissa had a red ball and then “magically” had a red and a blue ball! Thanks to sweet Big Brother Wes. What a wonderful boy he is! What a cute family!!

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