Dream Shard Blog: The Scintillating Adventures of Our Household

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Apr '10

This Is Happiness

I’m not sure how I got started on this today, but I spent a few minutes re-reading journal entries around the time I met and started dating John. I was barely 20; he was 23.

It started with a sentence I wrote on August 10, 2001: “I have zero prospects for dating.”

Eight days later, on August 18, I realized John would be perfect . . . for my former roommate, Melissa. I helped arrange a group hike to get them together.

On August 19 John and I started talking. The next night we took a walk in the rain. I wrote that I was “still developing and defining my feelings” for him.

Then there was that group hike on August 23. I didn’t write much about it but I recall the day clearly: my former roommate and I spent the whole time catching up and chatting while John hiked a few strides behind us. Melissa and John didn’t hit it off at all. Darn.

The next day he asked me out.

So in 14 days I went from zero prospects in dating to an actual date with the guy I would marry. Not too shabby.

My journal entries are priceless accounts of the developing relationship. I can clearly see our foundation of friendship and trust growing into shy love, and then ripening into the forever kind of love.

I’m not trying to be overly nostalgic; I’m just grateful. Grateful we met and felt so happy together from the very start.

Sometimes we live every day with our best gift and forget how blessed we are to have it.

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One Response to “This Is Happiness”

  1. mom Says:

    Your last sentence sums it up….it’s one of those Immortal Tendencies (from the book “1001 Immortal Tendencies” by C.I. Toldyaso..a must have)…thank you for reminding us, honey. My Best Gift just bought me dinner.

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