Part of shannon's adventure in Elizabeth, Momhood
This week our baby Elizabeth Erin turned 11 months old. A quick recap:
She was born November 6, 2012 (election day) around 6:30 in the morning. I wrote about it here. It was remarkably easy. One of my first thoughts was how different she looks from her sister.

In December she was one month old. Her demeanor was calm and sweet. We felt lucky to have her.

When she was two months old John gave her a name and blessing in church.

At three months she started to notice other people and smile.

Wesley has always been very sweet and attentive towards his baby sister.

Bunny slippers!

In March was her first Easter. Maybe next year she can try some chocolate.

The start of supported sitting.

At five months she still used the pink binkie and slowly–s-l-o-w-l-y–was growing some hair. I have always loved the fair, reddish-brown color of her hair. In the sunlight it shines like copper.

Baby cousins. Elizabeth was small for her age. Around this time I started giving her more formula and in the next few months she fluffed out very nicely.


In May was Mother’s Day, and Elizabeth turned 6 months old.

In June Elizabeth turned 7 months old. By now she was transitioning from supported sitting to sitting up by herself. She was getting better at eating solid foods and holding her own bottle. And she started to perfect the art of the army crawl. Suddenly she’s mobile! Her mobility started to bring out her personality, and we noticed that she prefers to be around other people. She is a social baby.

In July we played a lot outside, and Elizabeth went swimming for the first time. She is interested in climbing the stairs. She’s eight months.

In August Elizabeth turned nine months old. She is still an army-crawling queen and starts getting better at regular crawling. She likes to climb up stairs and is starting to learn to go down them backwards. She is becoming more vocal and “talks” by making noise often.

In September Elizabeth was 10 months old and starting to take interest in standing and walking unassisted. She’s really good at pulling to stand and walking along furniture. As she neared 11 months she started taking a few wobbly steps by herself. She is very talkative, which worries John and me–having TWO girls who both are very chatty! She is also starting to get into everything, and putting everything into her mouth.

In October Elizabeth turned 11 months old. She is beautiful and joys in doing her own things. She teems with personality. Still sweet, I think, but spunky. She wants to walk by herself and move and do all the things her siblings do. She fits into 12-month clothing. She has two teeth on the bottom and almost four teeth on top. She can be silly and likes to play peek-a-boo by hiding around the corner and popping out to make us laugh. She is a happy baby and we’re glad she’s ours.

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